UPDATE 9/12/23: Due to unforeseen circumstances, this year’s Annual Eucharistic Procession along the Virginia Beach Boardwalk is being run by Star of the Sea Parish. Star of the Sea had invited the Bishop to offer their Noon Mass and then lead the Procession immediately after the Mass. Unfortunately, Bishop Knestout had to cancel due to a scheduling conflict. Please call Star of the Sea Parish Office at (757) 428-8547 for further details.
The Eucharistic Procession is held annually in Virginia Beach, usually on the second Sunday of October. There is no alternate rain date. If the weather is inclement, we will accept what God gives and pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the church.
The procession will begin and end at Star of the Sea Catholic Church. An Altar of Repose, located at 24th Street City Park, will be visited halfway through the procession.
Star of the Sea Catholic Church
1404 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
Altar of Repose: 24th Street City Park
2400 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
interested in attending NExt year?
The faithful are encouraged to arrive at Star of the Sea Catholic Church by 2:30 pm. Following Father’s welcome and introductory remarks, the ceremony will begin with an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The procession is scheduled to begin promptly at 3:00 pm.
After leaving the church, the procession will cross over Pacific and Atlantic Avenues, then make a turn North on the boardwalk and proceed to the City Park at 24th Street. An Altar of Repose will be set up at the City Park to receive the monstrance. After a brief period of silent adoration and a short sermon on the Eucharist, the assembly will sing “Tantum Ergo” while the Blessed Sacrament is incensed and receive Benediction (Blessing).
The entire assembly will then return to the Church via the same route. The distance from the Church to the park is approximately nine-tenths of a mile, so the round trip will be just under 2 miles.

Order of the Procession
A banner will lead the procession and is followed by the processional cross, flanked by two acolytes. Next comes the Knights of Columbus Color Guard with a group of recent first communicants close behind, spreading flower petals before the Blessed Sacrament. The canopy itself is proceeded by two thurifers, surrounded by torchbearers, and carried by the Knights of Columbus. The lead celebrant holds the monstrance beneath this canopy; he is flanked by two ministers and assisted by the Master of Ceremonies. They will be followed by lay religious, clerical religious, religious associations, confraternities, and tertiaries. The rest of the faithful, led by the choir, will form the remainder of the procession.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.
Pope Saint John Paul II